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Achuthan, Asha T and Maiti, Kedar Nath (2006) Influence of grinding on the properties of ceramic glazes. Industrial Ceramics , 26 (3). pp. 181-189. ISSN 1121-7588

Achuthan, Asha T and Maiti, Kedar Nath (2006) Optimizing industrial production of ceramic glazes for the best performance. Indoceram: Indian Ceramic Review, 43 (3). pp. 64-72.

Agrawal, P and Maiti, Kedar Nath (2006) Rheological behaviour and thermo-mechanical evaluation of vitreous sanitaryware compositions containing fired sanitary scrap. Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society, 65 (3). pp. 157-164. ISSN 0371-750X

Basu, A K and Mitra, A and Ghatak, S (2006) Synthesis of a powder precursor in the form of hydroxyhydrogel for reaction sintering of BN-mullite composite. Ceramics International, 32 (2). pp. 213-219. ISSN 0272-8842

Basu, S and Sujatha Devi, P and Maiti, Himadri Sekhar and Lee, Y and Hanson, J C (2006) Lanthanum molybdenum oxide: Low-temperature synthesis and characterization. Journal of Materials Research, 21 (5). pp. 1133-1140. ISSN 0884-2914

Bhattacharya, Dipten (2006) Magnetoresistivity in solids. Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society, 65 (1). pp. 1-16. ISSN 0371-750X

Bhoi, B and Jouhari, A K and Ray, Hem Sankar and Misra, V N (2006) Reduction of iron oxide in liquid slag by solute carbon. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India), 87. pp. 7-12. ISSN 0020-3386

Bhoi, B and Jouhari, A K and Ray, Hem Sankar and Misra, V N (2006) Smelting reduction reactions by solid carbon using induction furnace: foaming behaviour and kinetics of FeO reduction in CaO-SiO2-FeO slag. Irommaking and Steelmaking , 33 (3). pp. 245-252. ISSN 0301-9233

Biswas, P K and De, A and Dua, L K and Chkoda, L (2006) Surface characterization of sol-gel derived indium tin oxide films on glass. Bulletin of Materials Science, 29 (3). pp. 323-330. ISSN 0250-4707

Biswas, Prasanta Kumar (2006) Absorption and fluorescence properties of sol-gel based nanostructured transparent conducting oxide films on silica glass. Advanced Materials Research , 11-12 . pp. 183-188. ISSN 1662-8985

Biswas, Prasanta Kumar and De, A and Dua, L K and Chkoda, L (2006) Work function of sol-gel indium tin oxide (ITO) films on glass. Applied Surface Science, 253 (4). 1953 -1959 . ISSN 0169-4332

Biswas, Prasanta Kumar and Dua, L and De, A and Chaudhuri, T (2006) Aquo-organic sol-based F-doped SnO2 (Sn : F=90 : 10) coatings on glass. Materials Science-Poland , 24 (2). 367 -374. ISSN 0137-1339

Chakrabarti, Omprakash and Mallick, D and Maiti, Himadri Sekhar and Majumdar, R (2006) Microcellular Si/SiC ceramics by replication of Indian dicotyledonous woods. Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society, 65 (1). pp. 23-28. ISSN 0371-750X

Chakraborty, A K (2006) Range of solid solutions of silica in spinel type phase. Advances in Applied Ceramics, 105 (6). 297-303 . ISSN 1743-6753

Chakraborty, A K and Maiti, Kedar Nath and Pathak, D D (2006) Effects of marble waste addition on the thermo-mechanical properties of earthenware wall tile composition. Industrial Ceramics , 26 (3 ). pp. 173-180. ISSN 1121-7588

Chakraborty, Niloy and Ficher, Wemer and Das Gupta , Amit and Basu, Debabrata (2006) Performance of conventional CSZP-based ceramic coating on oxidation of carbon-carbon composites. Surface Coatings Technology , 201 (3-4). pp. 1152-1159. ISSN 0257-8972

Chakraborty, S and Sen, Amarnath and Maiti, Himadri Sekhar (2006) Complex plane impedance plot as a figure of merit for tin dioxide-based methane sensors. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 119 (2). 431-434 . ISSN 0925-4005

Chakraborty, S and Sen, Amarnath and Maiti, Himadri Sekhar (2006) Selective detection of methane and butane by temperature modulation in iron doped tin oxide sensors. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 115 (2). pp. 610-613. ISSN 0925-4005

Chakradhar, R P S and Yasoda, B and Rao, J L and Gopal, N O (2006) Mixed alkali effect in Li2O-Na2O-B2O3 glasses containing CuO - an EPR and optical study. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 352 (36-37). pp. 3864-3871. ISSN 0022-3093

Chakradhar, R P S and Yasoda, B and Rao, J L and Gopal, N O (2006) Mixed alkali effect in Li2O-Na2O-B2O3 glasses containing Fe2O3 - an EPR and optical absorption study. Materials Research Bulletin, 41 (9). pp. 1646-1656. ISSN 0025-5408

Chatterjee, A and Dutta, C and Sen, S and Ghosh, K and Biswas, N and Ganguly, D and Jana, TK (2006) Formation, transformation, and removal of aerosol over a tropical mangrove forest. Journal of Geophysical Reesearch-Atmospheres , 111 (D24). ISSN 0148-0227

Chatterjee, Minati and Naskar, Milan Kanti (2006) Sol-gel synthesis of lithium aluminum silicate powders: The effect of silica source. Ceramics International, 32 (6). pp. 623-632. ISSN 0272-8842

Chatterjee, Minati and Naskar, Milan Kanti (2006) Synthesis of yttrium-aluminum-garnet hollow microspheres by reverse-emulsion technique. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 89 (4). 1443-1446 . ISSN 0002-7820

Choudhury, Pranab and Pal , S. K. and Ray, H S (2006) On the prediction of viscosity of glasses from optical basicity. Journal of Applied Physics, 100 (11). ISSN 0021-8979

Chowdhury, Sabdar Aman and Maiti, Himadri Sekhar and Biswas, Sampad Kumar (2006) Synthesis of spherical Al2O3 and AlN powder from C@Al2O3 composite powder. Journal of Materials Science, 41 (15). pp. 4699-4705. ISSN 0022-2461

Dana, Kausik and Ghosh, Syamal and Mukhopadhyay, Tapas Kumar and Das, Swapan Kumar (2006) Feldspathic and pyrophyllitic porcelain evolution during fast firing. American Ceramic Society Bulletin, 85 (12). 9201-9205 . ISSN 0002-7812

Das, M and Annapurna, K and Kundu, P and Dwivedi, R N and Buddhudu, S (2006) Optical spectra of Nd3+: CaO-La2O3-B2O3 glasses. Materials Letters, 60 (2). pp. 222-229. ISSN 0167-577X

Das, Nandini and Halder, Asim Kumar and Mandal, Jalaluddin and Sen, Amarnath and Maiti, Himadri Sekhar (2006) Sonochemically prepared tin-dioxide based composition for methane sensor. Materials Letters, 60 (8). pp. 991-994. ISSN 0167-577X

Das, Nandini and Mondal, Parthasarathi and Bhattacharya, Dipten (2006) Particle-size dependence of orbital order-disorder transition in LaMnO3. Physical Review B, 74 (1). Article No.-014410. ISSN 1098-0121

Das, Sumana and Mukhopadhyay, Anoop Kumar and Datta, Someswar and Basu, Debabrata (2006) Aluminium oxide coating by microwave processing. Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society, 65 (2). pp. 105-110. ISSN 0371-750X

De, Sucheta and De, Goutam (2006) Coarsening of Ag nanoparticles in SiO(2)-PEO hybrid film matrix by UV light. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 16 (31 ). 3193 -3198. ISSN 0959-9428

Dhar, Anirban and Paul, Mukul Chandra and Pal, Mrinmay and Mandal, Ashok Kumar and Sen, Suchitra and Maiti, Himadri Sekhar and Sen, Ranjan (2006) Characterization of porous core layer for controlling rare earth incorporation in optical fiber. Optics Express, 14 (20). 9006 -9015. ISSN 1094-4087

Gangopadhyay, Tarun Kumar and Chakravorti, S and Chatterjee, S and Bhattacharya, K (2006) Time-frequency analysis of multiple fringe and nonsinusoidal signals obtained from a fiber-optic vibration sensor using an extrinsic Fabry-Perot interferometer. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 24 (5 ). pp. 2122-2131. ISSN 0733-8724

Ghosh, G and Naskar, M K and Patra, A and Chatterjee, M (2006) Synthesis and characterization of PVP-encapsulated ZnS nanoparticles. Optical Materials , 28 (8-9). pp. 1047-1053. ISSN 0925-3467

Ghosh, J and Chattopadhyay, S K and Meikap, A K and Chatterjee, S K (2006) Microstructural studies on variation of defect parameters in Zr-Sn alloys and their transition with interchange of solvent and solute in Zr-Ti and Ti-Zr alloy systems by modified Rietveld method and Warren-Averbach method. Bulletin of Materials Science, 29 (4). pp. 385-390. ISSN 0250-4707

Ghosh, S and Guha, A and Krishna, K M and Mukhopadhyay, Anoop Kumar and Maiti, Himadri Sekhar (2006) Tape cast multilayer composite of nano zirconia with high toughness. Materials and Manufacturing Processes , 21 (7 ). pp. 662-668. ISSN 1042-6914

Ghosh, S and Mukopadhyay, T. K. (2006) Multipurpose compositions for wall and floor tiles utilising pyrophyllite and common clay. Industrial Ceramics , 26 (2). pp. 100-106. ISSN 1121-7588

Ghosh, Saswati and Das Sharma, Abhijit and Basu, Rajendra Nath and Maiti, Himadri Sekhar (2006) Synthesis of La0.7Ca0.3CrO3 SOFC Interconnect Using a Chromium Source. Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 9 (11). A516-A519 . ISSN 1099-0062

Ghosh, Shyamal and Mukhopadhyay, Tapas Kumar and Chakrabarti, S and Das, Swapan Kumar (2006) Influence of kaolinitic clay on the physico-mechanical properties of common clay-fly ash mix for building bricks. Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society, 65 (4). pp. 197-201. ISSN 0371-750X

Gonuguntla, M and Sharma, A and Mukherjee, Rabibrata and Subramanian, S A (2006) Control of self-organized contact instability and patterning of soft elastic films. Langmuir, 22 (16). pp. 7066-7071. ISSN 0743-7463

Gupta, A K and Chakraborty, S (2006) Scientific and technological developments in red clay technology. Indoceram: Indian Ceramic Review, 43 (3). pp. 73-79.

Kayal, Tarun Kumar and Chakravarty, Mithiles (2006) Modeling of trickle flow liquid fuel combustion in inert porous medium. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 49 (5-6 ). pp. 975-983. ISSN 0017-9310

Kumar, B Ravi and Singh, A K and Mahato, B and De, P K and Bandyopadhyay, N R and Bhattacharya, D K (2006) Deformation-induced transformation textures in metastable austenitic stainless steel. Materials Science and Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing , 429 (1-2). pp. 205-211. ISSN 0921-5093

Kumar , A and Sujatha Devi, P and Maiti, Himadri Sekhar (2006) Effect of metal ion concentration on synthesis and properties of La0.84Sr0.16MnO3 cathode material. Journal of Power Sources, 161 (1). pp. 79-86. ISSN 0378-7753

Kundu, Susmita and Biswas, Prasanta Kumar (2006) Synthesis and photoluminescence study of nanostructured sol–gel Mn(II) doped indium tin oxide films on silica glass. Chemical Physics Letters, 432 (4-6). 508-512 . ISSN 0009-2614

Lodha, R and Ghosh, A and Mukherjee, B and Agrawal, G N (2006) Zirconia-magnesium aluminate spinel composite - Improved ZrO2-MgAl2O4 composite was prepared by solid-state sintering. American Ceramic Society Bulletin, 85 (6 ). ISSN 0002-7812

Maiti, Kedar Nath (2006) Status of major raw materials in production of traditional ceramics in India. Ceramic Industies International, 1 (1). pp. 23-29.

Maiti, Kedar Nath and Agarwal, P (2006) Waste minimization in vitreous china sanitaryware industry. Indoceram: Indian Ceramic Review, 43 (2). pp. 48-53.

Majumder, Dwijesh and Banerjee, Rajat and Mukhopadhayay, Sunit K and Ulrichs, Christian and Mewis, Inga and Samanta, Arunava and Das, Asit and Adhikary, Sujit and Goswami , Arunava and Dutta Majumder, Dwijesh (2006) Nano-fabricated materials in cancer treatment and agri-biotech applications: Buckyballs in quantum holy grails. IETE Journal of Research , 52 (5). pp. 339-356. ISSN 0377-2063

Mallick, D and Das, S and Chakrabarti, Omprakash and Maiti, Himadri Sekhar and Majumdar, R (2006) Cellular porous SiC ceramics derived from Indian dicotyledonous woods and their application potential as hot gas filtration materials. Advances in Applied Ceramics, 105 (5). 246-252 . ISSN 1743-6753

Mandal, P and Choudhury, Pranab and Ghosh, B (2006) Electronic transport in ferroelectric-ferromagnetic composites La-5/8(Ba,Ca)(3/8)MnO3 : LuMnO3. Physical Review B, 74 (9). ISSN 1098-0121

Mandal, P and Hassen, A and Choudhury, Pranab (2006) Transport properties of metallic La(1-x)Sr(x)CoO(3) (0.30 <= x <= 0.50) ferromagnet. Journal of Applied Physics, 100 (10). ISSN 0021-8979

Mandal, S and Chakrabarti, S and Ghatak, S and Das, S K (2006) Low expansive glass-ceramic material produced from blast furnace slag and china clay. Industrial Ceramics, 26 (1). pp. 53-59. ISSN 1121-7588

Mandal, Sanjoy and Dasgupta, Kamal and Basak, T K and Ghosh, S K (2006) A generalized approach for modeling and analysis of ring-resonator performance as optical filter. Optics Communication, 264 (1). 97-104 . ISSN 0030-4018

Mazumder, R and Ghosh, S and Mondal, P and Bhattacharya, Dipten and Dasgupta, S and Das, N and Tyagi, A K and Sivakumar, M and Takami, T and Ikuta, H (2006) Particle size dependence of magnetization and phase transition near T-N in multiferroic BiFeO3. Journal of Applied Physics, 100 (3). ISSN 0021-8979

Mondal, Parthasarathi and Bhattacharya, Dipten and Choudhury, Pranab (2006) Dielectric anomaly at the orbital order-disorder transition in LaMnO3+δ. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 18 (29). pp. 6869-6881. ISSN 0953-8984

Mukhopadhyay, S S and Kundu, D (2006) Chemical composition analysis of germanate glass by alkalimetric titration of germanate mannitol complex. Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 83 (3). pp. 255-258. ISSN 0019-4522

Mukhopadhyay, S S and Kundu, Dipali (2006) Determination of trace impurities in silica sand by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society, 65 (3). pp. 169-172. ISSN 0371-750X

Mukhopadhyay, Tapas Kumar and Ghosh , Syamal and Ghatak, Sankar and Maiti, Himadri Sekhar (2006) Effect of pyrophyllite on vitrification and on physical properties of triaxial porcelain. Ceramics International, 32 (8). pp. 871-876. ISSN 0272-8842

Naskar, M K and Patra, A and Chatterjee, M (2006) Understanding the role of surfactants on the preparation of ZnS nanocrystals. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 297 (1). pp. 271-275. ISSN 0021-9797

Nayar, Suprabha and Sinha, M K and Basu, Debabrata and Sinha, Arvind (2006) Synthesis and sintering of biomimetic hydroxyapatite nanoparticles for biomedical applications. Journal of Materials Science - Materials in Medicine, 17 (11). 1063-1068 . ISSN 0957-4530

Patra, Chandana (2006) Developing a digital library on ceramics. Electronic Library, 24 (4). pp. 453-469. ISSN 0264-0473

Patra, Chandana (2006) Introducing e-journal services: an experience. Electronic Library, 24 (6). pp. 820-831. ISSN 0264-0473

Pratihar, Swadesh Kumar and Das Sharma, Abhijit and Maiti, Himadri Sekhar (2006) Electrical behavior of nickel coated YSZ cermet prepared by electroless coating technique. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 96 (2-3). pp. 388-395. ISSN 0254-0584

Ravi, B G and Sampath, S and Gambino, R and Sujatha Devi, P and Parise, J B (2006) Plasma spray synthesis from precursors: Progress, issues, and considerations. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 15 (4). pp. 701-707. ISSN 1059-9630

Ray, A K and Roy, N and Dash, B and Das, D K and Ranganath, V R and Goswami, B and Singh, M P and Tiwari, Y N and Roy, P K and Das, H K and Sanyal, D and Dwarakadasa, E S (2006) High temperature mechanical properties of thermal barrier coated superalloy applied to combustor liner of aero engines. High Temperature Materials and Processes, 25 (3). 109 -119 . ISSN 0334-6455

Ray, D and Sengupta, S P and Rana, A K and Bose, Nripati Ranjan (2006) Static and dynamic mechanical properties of vinylester resin matrix composites reinforced with shellac-treated jute yarns. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 45 (8). pp. 2722-2727. ISSN 0888-5885

Roy, I and Ghosh, S and Dana, Kausik and Das, Swapan Kumar (2006) Development of high strength stoneware compositions utilizing ferrugineous and inferior grade china clays. Indoceram: Indian Ceramic Review, 43 (3). pp. 80-83.

Roy, S K and Ghosh, S K (2006) Elastic constants of interpenetrating phase alumina/aluminium composites. Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society, 65 (1). pp. 35-40. ISSN 0371-750X

Sagar, S P and Das, SK and Parida , N and Bhattacharya, D K (2006) Non-linear ultrasonic technique to assess fatigue damage in structural steel. Scripta Materialia, 55 (2). pp. 199-202. ISSN 1359-6462

Saha Chowdhury, Paramita and Patra, Amitava (2006) Role of dopant concentration and surface coating on photophysical properties of CdS : Eu3+ nanocrystals. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 8 (11). pp. 1329-1334. ISSN 1463-9076

Sanyal, D and Ramachandrarao, P and Gupta, O P (2006) A fractal description of transport phenomena in dendritic porous network. Chemical Engineering Science, 61 (2). 307 -315. ISSN 0009-2509

Sanyal, Dipayan and Ramachandrarao, P and Gupta, O P (2006) A fast strategy for simulation of phase change phenomena at multiple length scales. Computational Materials Science, 37 (1-2). pp. 166-177. ISSN 0927-0256

Sarkar, Ritwik and Das, Swapan Kumar (2006) Hydro-thermal treatment of CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-H2O system. American Ceramic Society Bulletin, 85 (3). pp. 9201-9213. ISSN 0002-7812

Sarkar, Ritwik and Das, Swapan Kumar and Mandal, Pradip Kumar and Maiti, Himadri Sekhar (2006) Phase and microstructure evolution during hydrothermal solidification of clay-quartz mixture with marble dust source of reactive lime. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 26 (3). 297 -304. ISSN 0955-2219

Sarkar, Ritwik and Ghosh, Arup and Halder, Manas Kamal and Mukherjee, Barundeb and Das, S K (2006) Effect of lanthanum oxide on reaction sintering of zirconia-mullite composites. American Ceramic Society Bulletin, 85 (1). pp. 9201-9208. ISSN 0002-7812

Sarkar, Ritwik and Mukherjee, S and Ghosh, A (2006) Gel-bonded alumina-silicon carbide-carbon-based blast-furnace trough castable. American Ceramic Society Bulletin , 85 (5). 9101-U3. ISSN 0002-7812

Sarkar, Soumya and Datta, P and Bandyopadhyay, P and Sen, A and Maitra, Saikat (2006) Recent advancements in the processing of mullite ceramics, Part 2. Interceram: International Ceramic Review, 55 (4). 264-266,268. ISSN 0020-5214

Sarkar, Soumya and Sen, A and Datta, P and Maitra, Saikat and Bandyopadhyay, P (2006) Recent advancements in the processing of mullite ceramics, Part 1. Interceram: International Ceramic Review, 55 (3). 162,164,166,168,170,172. ISSN 0020-5214

Seal, A and Mazumder, R and Sen, Amarnath and Maiti, Himadri Sekhar (2006) Fast firing of lead zirconate titanate ceramics at low temperature. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 97 (1 ). 14-18 . ISSN 0254-0584

Sen, P and Das Mohapatra , G K and Ghosh, K and Sood Biswas, Nisha (2006) Aqueous durability of K2O-CaO-P2O5-SO3 glasses: kinetics and mechanism. Physics and Chemistry of Glasses, 47 (3 ). pp. 294-300. ISSN 0031-9090

Singha Roy, Rajdeep and Chanda, Abhijit and Basu, Debabrata and Mitra, M K (2006) The role of apparent contact pressure in the sliding wear of polycrystalline alumina in conformal contacts. Interceram: International Ceramic Review, 55 (2). pp. 94-98. ISSN 0020-5214

Sinha, Prasanta Kumar and Mandal, S and Kundu, Dipali (2006) Leaching of heavy metals from glazed surface of stoneware. Indoceram, 43 (1). pp. 8-12.

Sivakumar, Manickam and Takami, Tsuyoshi and Ikuta, Hiroshi and Towata, Atsuya and Yasui, Kyuichi and Tuziuti, Toru and Kozuka, Teruyuki and Bhattacharya, Dipten and Iida, Yasuo (2006) Fabrication of zinc ferrite nanocrystals by sonochemical emulsification and evaporation: Observation of magnetization and its relaxation at low temperature. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110 (31). pp. 15234-5243. ISSN 1520-6106

Sreemany , Monjoy and Sen , Suchitra (2006) Effect of substrate temperature and annealing temperature on the structural, electrical and microstructural properties of thin Pt films by rf magnetron sputtering. Applied Surface Science , 253 (5). 2739-2746 .

Srivastava, S K and Ojha, Animesh K and Sinha, P K and Asthana, B P and Singh, Ranjan K. (2006) Probing self-associated structures of the solute molecule, acrylonitrile, the solvent molecule 2C1-phenol and their binary complexes via concentration-dependent Raman study and DFT calculation. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 37 (1-3). pp. 68-75. ISSN 0377-0486

Venkatram, N and Kumar, R Sai Santosh and Rao, D Narayana and Medda, S K and De, Sucheta and De, Goutam (2006) Nonlinear optical absorption and switching properties of gold nanoparticle doped SiO(2)-TiO(2) sol-gel films. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology , 6 (7). 1990-1994 . ISSN 1533-4880

Book Section

Banerjee, R and Bose, Nripati Ranjan (2006) Fibre-reinforced glass/glass-ceramic matrix composites. In: Ceramic-Matrix Composites: Microstructure, Properties and Applications. Woodhead Publishing, pp. 58-98. ISBN 978-185573942-0

Conference or Workshop Item

Ghosh, Saptarshi and Bhattacharyya , Nabarun and Tudu, Bipan and Bandyopadhyay, Rajib (2006) Electronic nose for on-line quality evaluation of black tea using incremental SOM techniques. In: 2nd International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors, ISPTS 2015, 8 - 10 March 2015, Pune; India.

Maciel, Glauco S and Alencar, Marcio Andre R and de Araujo, Cid B and Patra, Amitava (2006) Investigating nonradiative relaxation in optically pumped Er3+-doped BaTiO3 nanocrystals. In: Laser Science 2006, 10 October 2006, Rochester, New York United States.

Roy, Samudra and Bhadra, Shyamal Kumar (2006) Effect of higher order dispersion on optical bistability in presence of cubic-quintic nonlinearity. In: Optical Fabrication and Testing, OFT 2006, 10 October 2006, Rochester, NY; United States.

Sharma, A and Gonuguntla, M and Mukherjee, Rabibrata and Subramanian, S (2006) Self-organized large area patterning of soft solids by elastic contact lithography. In: 2006 AIChE Annual Meeting; San Francisco, CA; United States; 12 November 2006 through 17 November 2006, 12-17 November, 2006, San Francisco, CA.


De, Arijit (2006) Study of Sol-gel Semiconducting Metal Oxide (MxM/yO2; M/M/ = In/Sn/Sb/Cd) Films on Glass. PhD thesis, Jadavpur University.

Sen, Ranjan (2006) Studies on Correlation for Liquid-Liquid Equilibria Prediction. PhD thesis, Jadavpur University.

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