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MoU, Agreement (2021) Collaborative R&D Cum Nondisclosure Agreement titled ”Development of high-power optical amplifier". Other. SFO Technologies Private Limited, 18.01.2021. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2020) Project MoC project titled “Development of indigenous process technology for the production of chalocogenide based infrared glasses for thermal imagers”. Other. DRDO, DRDO Bhawan, Rajaji Marg DHQ PO, New Delhi-110011, 21.09.2020. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2020) Addendum of Project Agreement project titled “Additive Manufacturing of Steels by Laser Metal Deposition (LMD),Project No.CLP0208. Other. Tata Steel Limited , 24, Homi Mody Street, Mumbai-400001 & Works at Jamshedpur. Link with Sl No.167, 02.09.2020. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2020) Agreement on Commercial Utilization of High Power Optical Amplifier based on cladding pump Er/Yb codoped fibers for Free Space Communication. Other. Vinvish Technologoes Private Limited, C-16,Thejaswini Building Technopark, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695581, 19.08.2020. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2020) Project MOU. Other. Project MOU with Norwegian University of Science and Technology,& Institute SINTEF Industry Trondheim, Norway, & Jadavpur University, 15.07.2020. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2020) MOU. Other. Academic MOU with Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R &D Institute of Institute of Science and Technology, 08.07.2020. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2020) NDA. Other. NDA between CSIR-CGCRI and M/s. Lycan Printing Solutions Private Ltd., IKP Eden ,# 16 , Bhuvanappa layout, Taverekere Main Road, Bengaluru 560029.1.Strategic Ceramic Products,2. Ceramics Membrane, 3. Advanced Mechanical and Materials,4.Bio Ceramics, 11.06.2020. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2020) MOU. Other. MOU between CSIR-CGCRI and Guru Nanak Institutr of Dental Science and Research , Panihati, Kolkata, West Bengal, 16.03.2020. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2020) MOU. Other. CSIR-CGCRI & ONGC Energy Centre Trust. 8th Floor, Core-4, SCOPE Minar, LaxmiNagar, New Delhi-110092 (OECT), ”Development of Solid Oxide Electrolyser Cell (SOEC) for Hydrogen Generation” , 04.02.2020. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2020) MOU. Other. Mou between CSIR-CGCRI & National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur, promote cooperative research and to facilitate the exchange ideas, development of new knowledge and to enhance high quality research acumen, 27.01.2020. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2020) MOU. Other. Demonstration and joint establishment of pilot scale facility for the scale-up and production of 1 KW X 10 capacity building of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell stacks facility at ARCI, Hyderabad based on the technology developed at CSIR-CGCRI, 10.01.2020. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2019) MOU. Other. MOU between CSIR-CGCRI and UFSCar, Sao Carlos, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, for bilateral (mutulal) collaboration in the areas of basic and applied research on specialty glasses, glass ceramics, Dr. A.R Molla, 20.11.2019 (10.09.2018). (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2019) Transfer Of Technology & Collaborative Research(TOT). Other. 30 W Continuous Wave (CW) Thulium fiber laser(TFL) at 1.94 micron & 2 micron and joint Development of the products to commercialize for medical application between CSIR-CGCRI & BIORAD MEDISYS PVT. LTD , Survey No. 48/3 & 48/7, Pashan Sun Road, Sus Village, 15.11.2019. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2019) MOU. Other. MoU between ISRO, VIKRAM SARABHAI SPACE CENTRE (VSSC) ISRO and CSIR-CGCRI for Development of optical Glasses., 27.08.2019. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2019) Research Agreements (MOU). Other. Research Agreement between M\s Tata Steel Limited ONE PART and CSIR-NML, SECOND PARTY and CSIR-CGCRI THIRD PARTY, 07.08.2019. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2019) Joint Research Project (MOU) “Online temperature monitoring of Blast furnace Tuyere through FBG sensor”. Other. Joint Research project- Tata Steel Limited (TSL) and NML and CGCRI on “Online temperature monitoring of Blast furnace Tuyere through FBG sensor”(Collaboration Ref No: RD/PROP/COL/379/2018), 05.08.2019. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2019) MOU. Other. MOU between CSIR-CGCRI and Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology ,IIEST, Shibpur, P.O Botanic Garden, Howrah-711 103, 26.07.2019. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2019) NDA. Other. NDA between CSIR-CGCRI and BIORAD MEDISYS PVT.LTD, Survey No. 48/3 & 48, 7, PashanRd, Sus, Pune, Maharashtra-411021 for discussion about 2 Um Fiber Laser, 25.07.2019. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2019) Power Purchase Agreement(PPA). Other. M/s Atria Rooftop LLP, 1st Floor , No.11, Commissariat Road, Bangalore, Karnataka,560025, “Power Producer” and CSIR-CGCRI., 05.07.2019 executed . (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2019) Agreement for Collaboration research (MOU). Other. CGCRI and 4way Clinic and Consultancy, 06.06.2019. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2019) MOU. Other. MOU between Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials, Balapur , P.O , Hyderabad-500005, Telangana , 05.04.2019. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2019) MOU. Other. MOU between BIT –BHU AND CSIR-CGCRI, 29.03.2019. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2019) NDA. Other. NDA between PRISM JOHNSON LIMITED , H & R Johnson (India) Division a company registered under Indian companies Act 1956 with registered office at 305, Kaxmi Niwas Apartments, Ameerpet, Hyderabad-500 016 , 22.02.19. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2019) MOU. Other. MOU between CSIR-CGCRI & Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT- World Peace University, Pune a body Corporate formed under the provision Government of Maharashtra MIT World Peace University Act-2016(Act no.XXXV of 2017) having registered office at S.No.124, Paud Road , 11.02.2019. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2019) 1st Amendment to M\s. Victor Engineering co.(Victor). Other. M\s. Victor Engineering Co. (VICTOR). A.T. Road, Makum Junction, Dist-Tinsukia, Assam, Pin- 786170, 07.02.2019. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2019) NDA. Other. NDA between ITC Limited Registered office at 37, J.L. Nehru Road, Kol-700 071, India, through its ITC Life Science & Technology Centre located at NO. 3 , Phase I, Stage I, Peenya Industrial Area, Peenya, Bengaluru-560058, 15.02.2019. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2019) Mutual Confidentiality Agreement. Other. M/s.Gharda Chemicals Limited, 10.01.2019. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2018) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) For research and development in health technologies and enable knowledge transfer. Other. Kalam Institute of Health Technology (KIHT), AMTZ Campus, Pragati Maidan, VM Steel Project S.O, Visakhapatnam-530031, Andhra Pradesh, 22.12.2018. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2018) Third Amendment to Memorandum of Agreement (Refer to Sl.No.160 dt.02.11.2016). Other. CSIR-CGCRI, Kolkata and CSIR-URDIP ((Unit for Research and Development of Information Products, Tapovan, Survey No.113, , 02.11.2015 (*Effective date 02.11.2018). (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2018) Agreement for sponsored project : “A process for the synthesis of graphene oxide and its application in paints”. Other. M/s.Berger Points India Limited, “Berger House” 129, Park Street, Kolkata-700 017, 30.10.2018.

MoU, Agreement (2018) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for Development of technology for manufacturing 700 x 700 x 150 mm3 RSW glass slabs using 120 L refractory crucible. Other. Nuclear Recycle Group (NRG) Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) Trombay, Mumbai, Dept of Atomic Energy (DAE) Govt. of India, 22.10.2018. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2018) Agreement for transfer of technology for packaged fibre laser. Other. Bharat Electronics Limited, Regd. Office: Outer Ring Road, Nagavara, Bangalore-500 045, 06.06.2018. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2018) Agreement for R & D, manufacturing and selling high performance electrical porcelain insulator for sub-station and railway having its plant in Halol, Taluka, Meghasar, Dist. Panchamahal, Gujarat. Other. M/s. Aditya Birla Insulators (Unit of Grasim Industries Limited), Regd. Office: Birla gram, Nagda, Madhya Pradesh-456331, 16.05.2018. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2018) Agreement for collaborative research (refractory pot). Other. Prism Johnson Limited (Formerly Prism Cement Limited) H.R. Johnson (India) Division, Head office: 7th floor, “Windsor” C.S.T. Road, Kzalina, Santacruz (East), Mumbai-400 098, 11.05.2018. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2018) Agreement on know how pertaining to the manufacture of porous tubular ceramic support with certain mixed material compositions. Other. CSIR-National Institute of Interdisciplinary Science and Technology, Thiruvanthapuram-695019 and M/s.H & R Johnson (India), A Division of Prism Johnson Ltd., Mumbai, Rggd. Office: 305, Laxmi Niwas Apartments, Ameerpet, Hyderabad-500016, 11.05.2018. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2018) Agreement on transfer of technology for Manufacturing high density specialty glass cullet for radiation shielding application. Other. Prism Johnson Limited (Formerly Prism Cement Limited) , 11.05.2018. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2018) Research Agreement Collaborative project for additive manufacturing by Laser Metal Deposition. Other. Tata Steel Limited, Regd. Office: Bombay House, 24,. Homi Mody Street, Mumbai-400 001 , 10.05.2018. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2018) Agreement for collaborative research on translation of the thulium fiber laser for clinical use. Other. Applied Optical Technologies Pvt. Ltd, 22.03.2018. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2018) Agreement for licensing of knowhow on Ceramic membrane based technology (including process for media preparation) for arsenic & iron removal from groundwater. Other. Rollabss Hi Tech Industries, 27.02.2018. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2018) Memorandum of Understanding on Fluoride removal process from natural water using adsorption followed by membrane filtration techniques from laboratory scale of 10 L capacity to 30 kLPD. Other. Rollabss Hi Tech Industries, 27.02.2018. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2018) Mutual Non-Disclosure & Confidentiality Agreement. Other. Larson & Toubro Limited, Registered. Office: L&T House, M.M.Marg, Ballard Estate, Mumbai-400 001, 08.02.2018. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2017) Agreement for sponsored project : Development of process technology for chalcogenide glass of refractive index (n) in the range of 2.3950 to 2.4050 (in the wavelength range of 850 to 950 nm) for processing of diamonds and creation of production facility for the same at M/s.Roarbit Technologies, Surat. Other. M/s. Roarbit Technologies, GIDC Sub-Division-2, Plot No.110, Old GIDC, Katargam, Opp: Indian Diamond Institute, Surat-395 004, Gujarat., 26.12.2017. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2017) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) under the project entitled , “Development of novel CSIR technologies for manufacturing tailored and patient-specific bioceramic. Other. CSIR-CGCRI, Kolkata-32, M/s.Muve Hospital, S1/2, 4th floor, VIP Plaza (Opp: Manbhari Farm) , 08.11.2017. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2017) Second Amendment to Memorandum of Agreement (Refer to Sl.No.148 dt.02.11.2016). Other. CSIR-CGCRI, Kolkata and CSIR-URDIP ((Unit for Research and Development of Information Products, Tapovan, Survey No.113, , 02.11.2015 (*Effective date 01.11.2017). (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2017) Memorandum of Understanding. Other. CSIR-CGCRI, Kolkata-32 and Bharat Electronics Limited, Outer Ring Road, Nagavara, Bangalore-560 045, 17.10.2017. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2017) Memorandum of Understanding. Other. Zeolite (India) Pvt. Ltd., 209, A.J.C. Bose Road, , 26.09.2017. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2017) Agreement for licensing of knowhow on “Ceramic membrane based high capacity modules for (A) pretreatment of turbid water for polishing of iron & arsenic contaminated water using micro filtration technique and (B) Pretreatment of river water for turbidity and suspended particulate removal. Other. Servo Technologies Limited, 11.09.2017. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2017) Agreement for licensing of knowhow on “Ceramic Membrane based technology for removal of arsenic (including the process for media preparation) and iron from ground water. Other. Zeolite (India) Pvt. Ltd., 30.08.2017. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2017) Memorandum of Understanding for Collaborative project on “Specialty Optical Fibers and Fiber based Components for Laser Applications”. Other. Defence Research and Development Organisation, Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India, New Delhi-110 011 , 22.08.2017. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2017) Agreement on “Development of process for real time temperature mapping of 4 faces of the billet mould using densely multiplexed Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors. Other. CSIR-National Metallurgical Labor4atory, Jamshedpur and , Jamshedpur and CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata, 12.07.2017. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2017) Memorandum of Agreement (Microstructurally designed in-situ toughened metallic and ceramic matrix composites for total hip arthroplasty. Other. Secretary, Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi, 01.07.2017. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2017) Non-Disclosure Agreement. Other. SFO Technologies Private Limited, R&D Division, Plot No.2, Cochin Export Processing Zone, Kakkanad, Cochin, Kerala, 05.06.2017. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2017) Memorandum of Understanding “Setting up of infrastructure at CSIR-CGCRI for development of large size Nd:Glass laser rods and discs”. Other. Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore, Dept. of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India and CSIR-CGCRI, Kolkata, 13.03.2017. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2017) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)TFC-MoU Extension. Other. Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, Anusandhan Bhawan, 2, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110 001 and Department of Micro & Small Scale Enterprises & Textiles, Govt. of W.B., 16.09.2013 Amended to 01.01.2017. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2016) Study Agreement. Other. M/s.Kerneos India Aluminate Private Limited, 4B, PS Arcade Central, 4th floor, 4A, Camac Street, Kolkata-700 017, West Bengal, 22.12.2016. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2016) Technology Licence Agreement for Low Melting High Sodium Glass Bead (SiBNa-23). Other. H & R Johnson (India), (A Division of Prism Cement Limited), Corporate office:: Windsor, 7th floor, CST Road, Kaline, Santacruz (East), Mumbai-400 088, Maharashtra, Registered office: 305, Laxmi Niwas Apartments Ameerpet, Hyderabad-600 016, 15.11.2016. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2016) First Amendment to Memorandum of Agreement (Refer to Sl.No.141 dt.02.11.2015). Other. CSIR-CGCRI, Kolkata and CSIR-URDIP ((Unit for Research and Development of Information Products, Tapovan, Survey No.113, NCL Campus, Pashan, \Pune-411 008, 02.11.2015 (*Effective date 02.11.2016). (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2016) Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). Other. National Research Development Corporation”Anusandhan Vikas” 20-22, Zamroodpur Community Centre, Kailash Colo ny Extension, New Delhi-110 048, 23.09.2016. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2016) Mutual Confidentiality Agreement (Additive Manufacturing for research and development). Other. M/s.Eaton Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Cluster C, Wing 1, EON Free Zone, Plot No.1S.No.77, MIDC Kharadi Knowledge Park, Kharadi,, 03.08.2016. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2016) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Other. Dee Tech Ceramics Pvt. Ltd, Manekji Wadia Building, 127, M.G.Road, Fort, Mumbai-400 023 , 06.07.2016. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2016) Agreement for technology transfer on Manufacture of plasma spray grade hydroxyapatite granules. Other. M/s.Emporis Implants and Surface Treatment, 503, Rocxy Rashi Hill Apt. Behind Jay Shankar Party Plot, Sardar Patel Marg, Lunsikui Navsari, Gujarat-369 455, 31.05.2016. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2016) Agreement for technology transfer on Plasma spray hydroxyapatite coating on metallic biomedical implants. Other. M/s.Emporis Implants and Surface Treatment, 503, Rocxy Rashi Hill Apt. Behind Jay Shankar Party Plot, Sardar Patel Marg, Lunsikui Navsari, Gujarat-369 455, 31.05.2016. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2016) Agreement for technology transfer on Manufacture of plasma spray grade hydroxyapatite granules. Other. M/s. Orthotech, Plot No.6, N.H.8, At Nandavala, P.O. Kewada, Valsad, Gujarat-396 001, 22.04.2016. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2015) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for IP Search and Analysis Services. Other. CSIR-Unit for Research and Development of Information Products (URDIP), Tapaovan Building, NCL Campus, S.No.113, 114, Pashan, Pune-411 008, 02.11.2015. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2015) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on a cooperative programme in Training and Research in areas to be mutually decided by CSIR-CGCRI and NIT. Other. National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK), Surathkal, Srinivasnagar, Mangalore-575025, 14.10.2015. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2015) Agreement for licensing know-how on Ceramic membrane based technology for removal of arsenic (including the process for media preparation) and iron from ground water (with Bank Guarantee). Other. M/s.Victor Engineering Co (VICTOR), A.T.Road, Makum Junction, Dist. Tinsukia, Assam, Pin-786 170, 07.10.2015. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2015) Agreement for collaborative research - In vivo animal trial of CSIR-CGCRI antacid formulation. Other. West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, 37, Kshudiram Bose Sarani, Belgachia, Kolkata-700 037, 08.09.2015. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2015) Non disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement. Other. Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Limited,8-2-337, Road No.3, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad-500 034, 31.07.2015. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2015) Agreement for Transfer of Technology on Manufacture of bioactive ceramic scaffolds/granules and integrated orbital implant. Other. General Surgical Company (India) Pvt. Ltd, G-6 Gee Cee Cresent, 114, Poonamallee High Road, Chennai-60 084, 11.05.2015. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2015) Agreement for Transfer of Technology of Ceramic Membrane based technology for removal of Arsenic (including the process for media preparation) and Iron from ground water. Other. M/s.Porel Dass Water & Effluent Control Private Limited, 24, Belilious Road, Howrah Industrial cum Commercial Complex, 2nd floor, Howrah-711 101, West Bengal, 24.04.2015. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2015) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for Demonstration of manufacturing low melting high sodium content borosilicate glass beads. Other. H & R Johnson (India) A division of Prism Cement Limited) Corporate office: Windsor, 7th floor, CST Road, Kalina, Santacruz (East), Mumbai-400 088, Maharashtra, 20.03.2015. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2015) Research Agreement: To develop high alumina containing specialty refractory castable composition which in the form of precast shapes will have excellent abrasion. Other. Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, 16.03.2015. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2015) MoU for Scientific project pertaining to the development of granular ceramic materials with engineered pore pattern for application in cigarette filter. Other. ITC Limited, Kolkata-700 071, 18.02.2015. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2014) (MoU) for Development of Reaction Bonded Silicon Nitride Ceramic Radomes. Other. Research Centre Imarat (RCI), , 04.12.2014. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2014) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) entitled, “Plasma spray hydroxyapatite coating on medical implants”. Other. Poona Health Services Pvt. Ltd. 12, Thube Park, Shivajinagar, 19.11.2014. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2014) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for Collaborative research for sponsored project entitled”Development of Sol-gel Derived Specially Planar Optical Waveguides for Sensor Applications”. Other. Timetooth Technologies Pvt. Ltd, L.Ground floor, C-93, Sector 2 Noida, UP-203131, India, 24.09.2014. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2014) Agreement on development of laboratory scale process knowhow for making common building blocks, vitreous tiles, decorative tiles and pavement blocks utilizing municipal solid waste and clayey materials from Kolkata Municipal Corporation. Other. Kolkata Municipal Corporation, 5, S.N. Banerjee Road, Kolkata-700 013, 11.08.2014. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2014) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for Development of seven component borosilicate glass beads. Other. Nuclear Recycle Board (NRB) Bhabha Atomic Research Centre BARC, 22.07.2014. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2014) Technical Agreement to carry out joint collaborative research work on (1) Innovative use of different solid waste by-products in developing various kinds of value added ceramic products, (2) Testing and Characterisation of minerals and other raw materials through different techniques , (3) Scientific ways to upgrade the minerals through different beneficiation technique, (4) Clay beneficiation and value addition to its different fraction. Other. CSIR-CGCRI and CDE Asia Ltd, Eco Space Business Park, Block 4A, Floor 6, Action Area II, New Town, Rajarhat, Kolkata-700 156, 09.05.2014. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2014) Development of hydroxyapatite based modified integrated orbital implant with superior motility and its clinical trial. Other. Society for Biomedical Technology,Defence Bioengineering and Electromedical Laboratory (DEBEL), PB No.9326, CV Raman Nagar, Bangalore-560093, 29.04.2014. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2014) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Other. Director, Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine, Govt. of West Bengal, , 28.04.2014. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2014) Mou for Design and fabrication of all fiber supercontinuum light source with application demonstration on spectroscopic signature detection. Other. Vinvish Technologies Private Limited, C-16, Thejaswini Building, Technopark, Thiruvananthapuram, 23.04.2014. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2014) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for establishment of TOCIC (TePP Outreach cum Cluster Innovation Centre). Other. Dept. of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR), New Delhi and CSIR-CGCRI, Kolkata-32, 20.03.2014. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2014) Memorandum of Understanding For implementation of integrated pottery development project with the help of CGCRI for the development of state’s pottery sector. Other. CSIR=-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute (Naroda Centre), 168 & 169, Naroda Industrial Estate, Ahmedabad-382 016 and , 10.03.2014. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2014) Agreement for manufacture of “Low Sodium content Glass Bead (SiBNa-9.5)”. Other. H & R Johnson (India), A Division of Prism Cement Limited, 305, Laxmi Niwas Apartment, Ameerpet, Hydrabad-500 016, 12.02.2014. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2014) Agreement on grant of permission for Manufacture of Glass beads/nodules. Other. IFGL Refractories Limited, Sector B, Kalunga Industrial Estate, P.O.Kalunga-770 031, Dist. Sundargarh (Odisha), 27.01.2014. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2014) Technology Marketing Agreement. Other. CSIR-Tech Private Limited, 100 NCL Innovation Park, Dr. Homi Bhabha Road, Pune-411 00, 07.01.2014. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2013) Agreement for Consultancy services for facility creation and production of chalcogenide glasses for diamond processing of M/s. SLTL, Gandhinagar. Other. M/s. Sahajanmand Laser Technology Ltd. (SLTL), Gandhinagar, E-30, G.I.D.C., Electronic Estate, Sec-26, Gandhinagar-382 028, Gujarat, 29.11.2013. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2013) Development of high GeO2 doped optical fiber for research applications. Other. Universiti Telekom SDN. BHD. (As the registered owner of Multimedia University) Malaysia, 01.10.2013. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2013) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Non-Disclosure (NDA) agreement for collaboration for the proposal “Development of an optical sensor and field evaluation of Aqua-O’s monitoring system and sample. Other. Aqua-Q-AB, a Swedish company with organisation registration number 556445-0640, with address at Box 115, S-123 22 Farsta, (Stockholm), Sweden , 27.09.2013. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2013) Memorandum of Understanding for a Collaborative project on fabrication of ceramic candles for use as gas filters. Other. M/s. Diana Ceramics.,1, Ambica Mukherjee Road, Kolkata-56, 13.09.2013. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2013) Non disclosure agreement for Engaged in research and development of in the area of glass, ceramics and related materials that maximizes the economic, environmental and societal benefit for the people of India. Other. M/s. ITC Limited, 37, J.L. Nehru Road, Kolkata-700 071, 12.08.2013. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2013) Agreement for a collaborative project on design, fabrication, installation and performance testing of an assembled (fabricated) set up for measurement of permeability and particle filtration efficiency of ceramic filters. Other. M/s. Steadfast International, 61A, A.K. Chatterjee Road, Kolkata-700 042, 23.07.2013. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2013) Agreement for Transfer of Technology of Ceramic Membrane based technology for removal of arsenic (including the process for media preparation) and iron from ground water. Other. Entech Metals Private Limited, Apartment-1B, 50, Jatin Das Road, Kolkata-700 029, 22.07.2013. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2013) Memorandum of Understanding on Collaborative Research and Academic Programme. Other. National Institute of Technology (NIT), Srinagar , 19.07.2013. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2013) Memorandum of Understanding for Sponsored Research on Nanomechanical Characterisation of Human hair. Other. Cavinkara Private Limited. Research & Development (R&D) Centre at No.12, Poonamallee Road, Ekkattuthangal, Chennai-600 032, 18.07.2013. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2013) Non-disclosure agreement (NDA). Other. Aditya Birla Science and Technology Company Limited., Plot No.1&1-A/1, MIDC Taloja, Raigad district, Panvel Tal7ka, Maharashtra-410 208, 05.07.2013. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2013) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for Academic Collaboration. Other. Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandir, P.O. Belur Math, Howrah-711 202, West Bengal , 10.06.2013. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2013) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to establish a sensor hub. Other. CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata and Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Kolkata and Jadavpur University and Calcutta University and Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, 30.05.2013. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2013) MOU between CGCRI and West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences in respect of a Sub-Project entitled “Development of Novel CSIR technology for manufacturing tailored and patient specific bio ceramic implants and biomedical devices at affordable cost”. Other. Animal & Fishery Sciences, 68 & 37, K.B. Sarani, Kolkata-700 037, 22.03.2013. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2013) Mutual Confidentiality agreement. Other. M/s. Aquatherm Water Treatment Private Limited, 9A, Satyen Dutta Road, Kolkata-700 029, 13.03.2013. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2012) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) a) To promote and enhance academic activities between CSIR-CGCRI and JISCE b) To provide advice for implementation of quality of education at JISCE d) To promote research/continuing education activities between two institutions. Other. JIS College of Engineering, Block-A, Phase-III, Kalyani, Nadia, 05.12.2012. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2012) Agreement for licensing of know-how for the manufacture of glass lining materials for chemical process equipment/reactor. Other. Standard Glass Lining Technology Pvt. Ltd., D-12, Phase-1, IDA, Jeedimetla, Hyderabad-500 055, 10.10.2012. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2012) Agreement for licensing of knowhow for the manufacture of Glass Lining Materials for chemical process equipment/reactor. Other. Anticorrosive Equipment Pvt. Ltd., 15, 2nd floor , Hind Service Industries, Off V.S. Road, Shivaji Park, Mumbai-400 028, 08.10.2012. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2012) Agreement for licensing of know-how for the manufacture of glass lining materials for chemical process equipment/reactor. Other. Advanced Expertise Technology Pvt. Ltd. Pooja Tex Compound, Opp: Universal Business Park, Shrinagar, Chandivali, Andheri (E), Mumbai-400 072, 06.09.2012. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2012) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for a collaborative R&D project on “ Feasibility studies of enrichment of BF gas for enhancement of calorific value”. Other. Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited, Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, Visakhapatnam-530 031, 04.09.2012. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2012) Agreement for engagement of Consultant for CSIR-CGCRI’s project on Development of Polarization Maintaining Fiber. Other. Dr. Arnab Sarkar, CEO of Taurus Glass & Fiber Pvt. Ltd, 6715, Daryn Drive, West Hills, CA 91307 (Residential address at USA) , 28.06.2012. (Submitted)

MoU, Agreement (2012) Agreement for licensing of know-how for the manufacture of Ceramic Coating for heater plugs. Other. Zenith Industries, Roorkee-247 667, Uttara Khand, 11.05.2012. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2012) Technology Licence Agreement for Glass Beads (with Bank guarantee). Other. H & R Johnson (India), A Division of Prism Cement Limited, Windsor, 7th floor, C.S.T. Road, Kalina, Santacruz (East), Mumbai-400 098 Maharashtra, 11.05.2012. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2012) Industrial scale preparation of CSIR-CGCRI developed low cost porous ceramic tube and its further developments in connection with separation technology for the removal of suspended particles from contaminated water which will include but may not be limited to confidential information. Other. Industrial Associates, 238B, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata-700 020 , 12.03.2012. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2011) Agreement for R & D collaboration for Development and characterization of visible up-conversion fiber laser based on modified silica glass host. Other. Universiti Telekom Sdn, (As the registered owner of multimedia university) Malaysia, Janan Multimedia, 63100 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan and Jalan Ayer Keroh Lama, Universiti Telekom Sdn, (As the registered owner of multimedia university) Malaysia, Ja, 28.11.2011. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2011) Consultancy services for facility creation and production of As-S-I glass. Other. M/s. Lexus Soft Mac, A-1 to A-4, R.S.No.59, Near Sosyo Circle, Bamroli Road, Surat-395017, 24.06.2011. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2011) Licence agreement for ceramic membrane based high capacity modules for pretreatment of turbid water or polishing of iron & arsenic contaminated water using micro-filtration technique. Other. Porel Dass Water & Effluent Control Pvt. Ltd, Howrah Industrial & Commercial Comples, 24, Filious Road (2nd floor), Howrah, West Bengal, Pin-711 101, 11.05.2011. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2011) Agreement for technology transfer of Manufacture of the SiAlON based products. Other. Double-Dee Technology Pvt. Ltd, 01.04.2011. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2011) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Collaboration in the area of fiber optic products based on specialty photonic crystal fiber. Other. NuPhoton Technologies Inc., 41610 Corning Place Murrieta, CA 92562 USA/ InnoBreeze Communication Technologies Pvt. Ltd, 34/790B, Aarushi, Beena Anjumana Road, Edappally, Kochi-682024 / and CGCRI, Kolkata, 26.03.2011. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2011) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Development of Polarization Maintaining (PM) Fiber. Other. Research Center Imarat, Vignayana Kancha Post, Hyderabad-500 069, 25.03.2011. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2010) Agreement for sponsored project entitled, “Investigation on the incorporation of borax pentahydrate and colemanite in different glasses”. Other. Borochemie (India) Pvt. Ltd, 40-44A, Dheeraj Heritage, 4th floor, S.V. Road, Santacruz (west), Mumbai-400 054, 29.09.2010. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2010) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Collaborative research work on synthesis of novel composite material using coir fibre for engineering application. Other. Coir Board (Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India), Registered office: Coir House,M. G. Road, Kochi-682 016, 15.09.2010. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2010) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Other. Ordnance Development Centre, Ordnance Factory Medak, Yeddumailaram, Medak Dt. Andhra Pradesh, 13.09.2010. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2010) Non Disclosure Agreement on Joint development of futuristic infantry combat vehicle for the Indian Army. Other. Ordnance Development Centre, Ordnance Factory Medak, Yeddumailaram, Medak Dt. Andhra Pradesh, 13.09.2010. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2010) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Collaborative R&D project on Improvement of MgO-C brick quality to enhance the converter life. Other. Rastriya Ispat Nigam Limited, Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, Visakhapatnam-530 031, 27.07.2010. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2010) Agreement for implementation of the project titled “Development of technology system for river water purification using MF/RO membrane for drinking water supply to Taki Municipality, West Bengal. Other. Taki Municipality, Taki, Dist North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, 26.07.2010. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2010) MOU on Development of refractory crucible for melting high density radiation shielding glass. Other. BARC, Department of Atomic Energy Government of India, 22.05.2010. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2010) Agreement on Grant permission for Manufacture of glass beads/nodules. Other. H & R Johnson (India), “Windsor” 7th floor, C.S.T. Road, Kalina Santracruz (E), Mumbai-400 098, 11.05.2010. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2010) Confidentiality and Nondisclosure agreement for Manufacture of glass beads/nodules. Other. H & R Johnson (India), “Windsor” 7th floor, C.S.T. Road, Kalina Santracruz (E), Mumbai-400 098, 11.05.2010. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2010) Confidentiality and Nondisclosure agreement for Preparation and application of coated membranes. Other. H & R Johnson (India), “Windsor” 7th floor, C.S.T. Road, Kalina Santracruz (E), Mumbai-400 098, 11.05.2010. (Unpublished)

MoU, Agreement (2010) MOU with IIT. Other. IIT Kanpur, 30.03.2010. (Unpublished)

This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 11:22:16 2025 IST.