Das, Sagnik and Pal, Mrinal
Review—Non-Invasive Monitoring of Human Health by Exhaled Breath Analysis: A Comprehensive Review.
Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 167 (3).
Art No-037562.
ISSN 0013-4651
Exhaled human breath analysis is a very promisingfield of research work having great potential for diagnosis of diseases in non-invasive way. Breath analysis has attracted huge attention in thefield of medical diagnosis and disease monitoring in the last twodecades. VOCs/gases (Volatile Organic Compounds) in exhaled breath bear thefinger-prints of metabolic and biophysicalprocesses going on in human body. It’s a non-invasive, fast, non-hazardous, cost effective, and point of care process for diseasestate monitoring and environmental exposure assessment in human beings. Some VOCs/gases in exhaled breath are bio-markers ofdifferent diseases and their presence in excess amount is indicative of un-healthiness. Breath analysis has the potential for earlydetection of diseases. However, it is still underused and commercial device is yet not available owing to multiferrious challenges.This review is intended to provide an overview of major biomarkers (VOCs/gases) present in exhaled breath, importance of theiranalysis towards disease monitoring, analytical techniques involved, promising materials for breath analysis etc. Finally, relatedchallenges and limitations along with future scope will be touched upon.will be touched upon.
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